1. Introduction to the Freecoast Freecast

EditorThe Freecast

Intro and brief description about the Freecoast

Local Business: Flight Coffee Co opens in Dover http://flightcoffeeco.com/pages/about-us

Local news; State government prevents local governments from banning plastic bags.


What’s the libertarian alternative to zoning squabbles? http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/20160304/neighbors-object-to-teardown-of-portsmouth-home

Community organizations are helping to maintain public parks, so why not make them private? http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/20160304/prescott-park-arts-festival-to-install-new-sod-in-park

Absurd Law of the week RSA 286:1 Showmen License http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/xxiv/286/286-mrg.htm

Events on the freecoast: Princess and Super Hero day March 12th http://www.visitnh.gov/what-to-do/events/360534/03-12-2016/11-00am/princess-and-super-hero-party , Murder Mystery March 18th http://www.visitnh.gov/what-to-do/events/359283/03-18-2016/5-00pm/murder-mystery-weekends , Granite State Growler Tours, 3 times a week http://nhbeerbus.com/tours

History segment: Richard Waldron early settler of Dover, NH

Host: Cord Blomquist Co-hosts: Nick Boyle, Mike Vine