After hosting this year’s beer tasting event at PorcFest, I am once again reminded of the power of bringing people together with a common interest. Standing there around a single …
The Original Smart Contract
Smart contracts are a relatively new technological solution to the problem of trusting other parties in transactions. The idea is to create a contract in the form of a computer …
In The Game Of Liberty...
One of the things I enjoy most about finishing a story of any type is the period afterwards where you consciously and subconsciously process the entire thing. Game of Thrones …
Freecoast Festival: Perfect Time to Buy Your Tickets!
We are hard at working finalizing the schedule for the Sixth Annual Freecoast Festival! What we do know so far is that the 2019 Freecoast Festival, taking place from September …
How to Taste Beer: Sensory Analysis and Off-flavors
Tasting events are a popular (and fun!) way to enjoy beer. Meetups devoted to beer tasting have been popping up everywhere, including at PorcFest*! I myself have written a lot …
Economics Overapplied
If you pay attention, you may notice a tendency among people to take a concept they have learned, especially when it is new to them, and apply it a little …