Freecoast Lexicon of Portmanteaus

Jayson S. WallsNews & Views

port·man·teau noun (port-man-(ˌ)tō): a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms (as smog from smoke and fog)

Here’s a compiled list of linguistic trickery used by some Freecoasters to get the most out of their words. If you have a Portmanteau idea, let us know!

Anarchonism – a relic from a time when humans had rulers.

Anchap – a fellow anarcho-capitalist.

Argumentum ad Via – a logical fallacy which says a proposal is invalid or undesirable because it doesn’t address how to fund, maintain, or build roads.

Argumentum ad Somalium – a logical fallacy which says any proposal to reduce or eliminate taxation, certain forms of taxation, or certain government programs obliges the speaker to move to Somalia where those things (presumably) don’t exist, and thus the speaker would have his/her wish fulfilled.

Climythology – 1) the mythological story behind the impending disasters of climate change that can only be solved by subsuming the will to the collective. Includes such common western memes as sacrifice, original sin, salvation, etc. 2) the Statheist study of an alleged great flood to come, and corresponding determination to force everyone into ark-building.

Creepertarian – A libertarian lurker with poor social skills.

Dredd’s Razor – police are the law, or sometimes above it.

Deontlawogy – the law is the law (and must be obeyed even if it doesn’t make sense, is highly costly to obey, etc.)

Edcarceration – what happens to students at compulsory schooling

Encareceration – what happens to people who are denied freedom “for their own good”

Flawgic – flawed logic

Flopaganda – communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population which is so ridiculous on its face that no one of average intelligence can justly believe it.

Godverment – the supreme deity in “the person” of the state.

HalterNet – a nickname for Alternet, a website where human livestock are fed their daily dose of propaganda

Moral Feelism – The philosophy that that which should be done is what feels like a good thing to do regardless of whether it works towards the stated goals or not.

MUSTerbation – getting off on the concept of duty

Noncept – a word that appears to have semantic content, but turns out to mean nothing on closer inspection.

Planner Fasciitis – a common affliction in middle-aged to older people causing them to believe that all or most of society can be planned.

Proggy – A name for “progressivist” adherents who do little more than parrot progressive bylines. (See also: drinking the kool-aid)

Progic – A type of Flawgic specific to proggies.

Reductio ad Nonrelevantum – a logical practice that reduces two supposedly differentiating terms to meaninglessness, revealing that the concept behind them may be different than previously thought. For example, if “there are no selfless acts”, it does not mean that all people are selfish – it means that the terms “selfishness” and “selflessness” have no meaning.

Rothbafarian – someone who is libertarian just for the pot

Rulership – what statists often mean when they use the term “leadership.”

Sacrifarce – a show put on by individuals to indicate how much they sacrifice for a cause / how in group / goodthink they are. The more ridiculous the displays of fitness signalling the more sacrifarcical.

Statheism – The religion of atheists who still worship the state.

Statanist – A general worshipper of the state who has no problem using it against you. (See also: psychopath)

Symbolatry – The practice of assigning supernatural or anthropomorphic qualities to mundane, purely symbolic items for the purpose of creating secular equivalents to religious icons.

Tacticool – Gun advocacy based around gun nerding, not for the ideological purposes

TEDsplaining – When otherwise intelligent people tout collectivist or dystopian-psychology claptrap just because someone said it in a TED or TEDx talk.

Ünderman – The opposite of the overman, obviously.

We/Us ex Machina – a claim that a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved collectively (i.e. ‘The fishermen need a lighthouse but it’s wrong to get together and steal from the rich to build it. We should vote for one!’)

Contributors: Jason Walls, Mike Vine, Justin Keith, Jim Powers