Manchester NH Bitcoin Meetup 12014-01-11

New Hampshire Is Bitcoin Country

Mike VineLocal Activism

Manchester NH Bitcoin Meetup 12014-01-11


This photo was taken at the weekly Bitcoin Meetup in Manchester. The diverse array of smiling faces perfectly capture the vibrant and grassroots flavor of New Hampshire’s Bitcoin scene. If you’re into alt-currencies, you need to be here.

If you’re a Free State Project participant or friend, join the Free State Bitcoin Consortium.

If you’re just into Bitcoin for fun or profit, join Bitcoin New Hampshire.

Oh, and rumor has it there will be a Seacoast Bitcoin Symposium happening in late February or early March. This event will teach the general public how and why to use crypto-currencies, and participants may walk away with some in their pocket! If you’d like to sponsor or get involved, email mike [at] centinel [dot] net.

UPDATE: Apparently, the New Hampshire Union-Leader has noticed our Bitcoin community as well in this feature article.