Featuring Hosts: Matthew Carano, Nick Boyle, and Cord Blomquist
Engineered, Mixed, and Mastered by: Matthew Carano
Produced by: Matthew Carano, Nick Boyle, and Cord Blomquist
On this episode of The Freecast CBD crackdown forces Fresh Vibes to leave the state, a coked-out Hassan aid doxxes republican senators, and the most honest critique of Tombstone while things get froggy.
- Fresh Vibes Is Moving To Maine (Matt)
- Opioids Continue to Ruin People’s Lives(Cord)
- But New Hampshire is Otherwise Very Cool! According to Wallet Hub survey (Nick)
- “Could it be because it has the lowest percentage of people living beneath the poverty level? Or that it ranks third in safety?”
- “We call it a ‘citizen legislature’ for that reason. That makes our state representatives more accessible and more responsive to the general public. A concerned citizen cannot only reach their representative easily and quickly, they can even run for office themselves and have a realistic chance to be elected.”
- https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/these-are-2019-s-best-states-live-here-s-what-ncna1019556
- Blue Alert System (Cord)
- “killed, injured or missing”
- “If someone is willing to commit a murder of a police officer, there’s really nothing else they’re not going to be capable of doing”
- https://www.unionleader.com/news/crime/man-surrenders-shelter-in-place-order-lifted-in-bedford-following/article_2497ccee-dfee-5eaa-ae3c-4a4dc6987d2b.html
- Doxing Senators fueled by “cocaine, psychedelics and alcohol” (Matt)
- Changed the Wikipedia pages of Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and retired (but then still sitting) Sen. Orrin Hatch to include their home addresses and personal phone numbers
- Rand Paul was only Senator to submit a victim statement saying he feared for his life
- Rand Paul survived the Congressional baseball shooting
- Had life-threatening injuries from his neighbor
- https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/19/maggie-hassan-staff-doxing-case-1370529
- State Budget (Nick)
- State DOJ blocks DEA From accessing medical records (Cord)
- “While the records may be held by a third party, there’s nothing voluntary about the records’ creation. These records are created by healthcare professionals to comply with a state mandate. Patients do not volunteer to hand over this sensitive information. The only way to opt out is to never see a doctor.”
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190608/12293742357/new-hampshire-aclu-fighting-back-against-deas-warrantless-access-to-sensitive-medical-records.shtml
- Boy Scouts Save the Fucking Day (Matt)
- History You’re so basic: (Cord)https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/16/18680941/new-hampshire-basic-first-historical-marker-beginners-all-purpose-symbolic-instruction-code
- Freecoast Liberty Outreach Meetup
- Seabrook – 4th Thursday
Do you have a topic that you would like for us to discuss? A correction and additional piece of information that we may have overlooked, please send it into freecastpodcast@gmail.com While you are here, follow us on Twitter @freecastpodcast and like our Facebook page.